School reopens with my schedule as packed of a 6 hour continous lecture of 3 subjects non stop on the same room !
Believing i would stay in the same room for 3 kinds of lecture every Monday for 14 times
Chilling !!
F.I.S. Lecture last semester
Rumours float and that passing F.I.S. , the so-called hardest+hardcore-est subject of the bachelor programe of accounting, you are gonna go through the rest of the program smoothly.
Yeah, F.I.S. is really a tough challenging subject to be ass-kicked during the exam.
George Swinburne
Haven't been see-ing the new faces.
Foundation is coming in at later March.
Anticipated to see new students enrolling and coming in marking that we, are really getting
Meanwhile, Let's get on the go on this fourteen week race, fight with powerful strength and great spirit + will, and finally witness triumph with own bare eyes.
Ready, get set...
GO !!
new foundation intake = see leng lui LOL